26th October 2024 - 26th October 2024

Judge Upgrade Seminar

This seminar weekend is for:

> Candidate Judges upgrading to County

> County Judges wishing to upgrade to regional

> Regionals taking the National Judge Exam Paper.

The seminars will take place in the morning, Regional judges attending for their national exam are allowed to sit in on the regional seminar too. 

All exams will take place in the afternoon, and exams will be marked at the end of the day. National Judge candidates will receive a short interview and talk through process at the end of their test. County and Regional Candidates are welcome to leave immediately after completing their exam and their marks will be advised by email as soon as the test is completed, or they may prefer to wait and return later in the afternoon to receive their result.

If anyone has any disability that requires extra time for the exam, or needs to have extra consideration for the practical sessions for the seminar part (as there will be arrow values / arrow and target situations to review). Please make that known to judges@archerygb.org before attending the weekend so we can consider the adjustments needed. 

Further information will be sent out closer to the date of the seminar to attendees, but we expect to start around 9.15/9.30 breaking for lunch around 12, and the exam starting about 2.30 / 3 at the latest. 


ARCHERY GB, Lilleshall National Sports Centre, Lilleshall, NEWPORT, Shropshire, United Kingdom, TF10 9AT

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+44 01952677888

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