As we approach the end of Volunteers' Week, we thought we'd share another story from one of our volunteers who has helped support Archery GB's para squad at our Lilleshall base.
Shropshire-based Tony Errington (pictured above) first discovered archery in 2018 at an age when he thought his days in sport were over. He immediately fell in love with it and (in normal times) is a firm fixture at Archery GB headquarters where he volunteers, as well as for his local club.
Tony explained: "I like to help others who are in the same position I was in when I first started archery. A while ago I happened to meet a volunteer who helped the archers at Lilleshall. He told me they were looking for more volunteers to help the Paralympic squad so I signed up for that and haven't looked back.
"Volunteers are properly trained in health and safety and do a really worthwhile job retrieving the arrows from the targets, therefore saving coaches valuable time. You'll find me there every Wednesday in normal circumstances! It's been a huge advantage to volunteer at Lilleshall too because I get to pick up tips and advice from Olympic coaches, and I've been offered invaluable kit advice that's saved me a fortune. You don't even need to be an archer to volunteer - anyone capable of pulling arrows from a target can do it."
Volunteers' Week is an annual event that celebrates the selfless work of the nation's volunteers. It's a great place to look for a role that suits you, or why not visit Sport + Recreation Alliance's volunteer opportunity finder.
You can also read about the volunteering experiences of another of our wonderful archery volunteers. If you would like to help out at Archery GB's Lilleshall headquarters when government guidelines permit, please register your interest now by calling 01952 677 888, or you can find out about archery volunteering opportunities here.