What you get from the Archery GB Liability insurance policy

As part of our membership offer, we want to give you a simple summary of what our insurance policy covers so you understand this key member and club affiliation benefit. Read on to discover who is covered, what is covered and how much your club is covered for in the event of a claim.

This advice relates to the 2025-26 insurance period. For answers to frequently asked questions and to report incidents direct, visit the Howden Archery GB microsite by clicking the button below:

Archery GB insurance site

Who is covered by Archery GB’s insurance?

The insurance covers both archers and organisations. Archery GB members, affiliated societies, clubs, officials, employees, volunteers (including non-shooting volunteers such as administrators), coaches (acting on behalf of their club or Archery GB), judges and beginners/range returners during their first six lessons.

What is covered?

Affiliated club and club members' activities including training, competitions, socials*, fundraising, and administrative activities including maintenance.

* There are some exceptions as outlined in the Detailed Schedule document, which can be downloaded from behind the sign-in area of our website.

What is the coverage period?

The current policy runs from 1 March 2025 to 28 February 2026, up-to-date policies can be downloaded from behind sign-in on our website. Please note, we review and negotiate cover on an annual basis to ensure that continuous cover is provided.

Who is the insurance provider?

The Primary Liability insurance is with Hiscox Insurance Company Ltd and additional indemnity layers are provided by JRP Underwriting for Public Liability insurance and RSA for the Management Liability Insurance. Our Insurance broker is Howden.

What type of club coverage do I have?

As a club you have a duty of care to all those participating in the sport of archery and the club’s visitors. Your affiliation to Archery GB provides you and your members with some insurance protection through our Combined Liability insurance.

The Combined Liability Insurance includes as follows:

  1. Public and Products Liability insurance: If someone makes a claim against you following loss, damage, or injury to someone else or their property you are covered up to £15,000,000. (£5,000,000 in respect of abuse if the club have fulfilled the criteria of the Protection of Children and Adults at Risk Requirements of Archery GB’s Safeguarding Policies).
  2. Professional Indemnity Insurance: Loss (financial or otherwise) arising out of errors and omissions – includes: Defamation. You are covered up to £10,000,000.
  3. Employers Liability: If an employee or volunteer suffers due to injury during employment, you are covered up to £10,000,000. There are also costs up to £250,000 available should the Health and Safety Executive investigate any injury.
  4. Director’s & Officer’s insurance: covers club committee members /directors for their personal liability for claims that are made against them for breach of duty to a maximum of £10,000,000 for any one claim /per policy year. Examples of breach of duty include:
  • Breach of fire safety regulations
  • Corporate manslaughter

What is not covered?

All policies have policy exclusions and key exclusions are detailed on the summary of cover issued each year. These include criminal acts, use of vehicles, medical malpractice, cyber incidents, known incidents before the policy started, or retroactive dates detailed on your summaries each year, and claims in the USA or Canada.

How much excess will I pay in the result of a claim?

You will pay £100 for third-party property damage claims and £250 for corporate legal liability claims.

What should I do if there is an incident at my club that may result in a claim?

Report any serious incidents or potential claims as soon as possible. Do not admit fault or promise to pay for damages yourself. The summary of cover shared with members includes details of incident notification guidance.

Useful numbers

Howden has also created an insurance microsite for Archery GB which provides information about your insurance cover, answers a range of frequently asked questions, and allows you to report an incident direct online. Click the button below to access the site:

Archery GB insurance site

Contact for claims or questions:

  • Insurance enquiries: 0121 698 8150
  • Claims enquiries: 0121 698 8040


Am I covered if someone shoots at my club and their membership has lapsed?

In the case of individuals, if your membership is up-to-date, The Archery GB Rules of Shooting expect members to be shooting with other members. If you do not know that the membership of the other archer has lapsed, the Archery GB Insurer will consider the defence of a claim on your behalf for any allegation made against you arising from accidental injury or loss suffered at your club, providing your club is an affiliated Archery GB club.

For clubs, if one of your archers’ Archery GB memberships has lapsed then they will be liable for any claims against them, and the club will also not be operating in accordance with the Rules of Shooting which may invalidate the club’s insurance. Therefore, clubs must perform regular checks that everyone who shoots at their club has a valid Archery GB membership so that their insurance remains valid.

By ensuring all those shooting together are members you have the comfort that they are all benefiting from the same type and level of insurance should something go wrong, and an incident occurs.

Do I need to check all our members are paid up members of Archery GB for our insurance to be valid?

Yes, this has not changed and has always been the case as per the Rules of Shooting. The club should be aware of who is at the range and when in case there are claims made, regardless of how the club operates its facilities.

There are several ways in which clubs, and members, can check and prove that they have valid membership: 

In Sport:80 click on the three horizontal lines in the top left of your screen. Click on ‘Athletes’ then select ‘Smart list’. Click on the three horizontal lines to the left of the word ‘Athletes’ at the top of your screen. A list of reports will come up: 

  • Membership – Active Members 
  • Membership – Members expiring in the next 30 days 
  • Membership – Members expired in the last 30 days 

Select the list you require and click ‘load view’. 

Click on the blue ‘Actions’ button on the top right of the screen. 

Click ‘Download report’. A box will appear with the current filters selected. You can change the filters or just click ‘Done’. You will be prompted to give your file a name. Click ‘Download’ and Sport:80 will generate your file. This will be sent to you via email. 

These are the other ways to check: 

  • A new Member Finder will be made available for club officials, allowing you to search for any member and check validity; 
  • In the field – ask to see a member’s hard copy membership card or the E-Card on their device; 
  • Scan the QR code on the e-card (giving instant up-to-date information on validity, coach and judge licences and age); 
  • If individuals join your club, the primary contact will receive an email notifying you and providing an option to decline the membership if you want to.   

Can clubs/individuals take out private insurance on top of their Archery GB insurance?

Yes, if they believe they require additional cover, we recommend seeking advice first from Howden.

Archery GB Insurance Table

Below is a table showing what is covered by Archery GB’s insurance and any excess that will need to be paid in the event of a claim.

What’s covered?

Limit for one event or period


Public/Products Liability


£100 third party property damage

Professional Indemnity






Legal Defence Costs for Health & Safety / Consumer Protection / Corporate Manslaughter



Employers' Liability



Employers' Liability Inner limit for Terrorism



Management Liability Directors and Officers



Management Liability Corporate Legal Liability






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