Set up an Archery Coaching Course

Set up an archery Session Coach coaching course. Archery GB value course organisers as an important role in the training of coaches. At a local level, we want to ensure that enough coaches are getting trained to supply archers with the coaching they want. Read our step by step guide to setting up a Session Coach training course.

How to organise an archery coach training course

Archery GB value course organisers as an important role in the training of coaches. At a local level, we want to ensure that enough coaches are getting trained to supply archers with the coaching they want. Archers of all levels are keen to receive coaching, and the coach has a vital role in helping them learn and enjoy the sport.

To effectively fulfil the role of archery coach course organiser, you need to have a good understanding of the local need for coach training, good organisational skills, and be able to promote events to potential applicants. Whilst it may be advantageous to have coaching experience, this is not necessary. The best course organisers are efficient, helpful, and aware of what makes events run smoothly. A course organiser can be anyone from within the archery or sports community that recognises the need for more archery coaches to be available in their area.

Our courses are now split into modules which coaches purchase separately. Instead of organising a whole course, Course Organisers are now asked to organise the practical (‘in-person’) based modules which occur locally rather than online.

We understand the time and energy it takes to organise events and we really appreciate your help. Thank you for supporting archers in your area by helping to train more coaches!

How to organise in-person coaching modules

  1. Identify local demand for in-person coaching modules
  2. Calculate the cost to host a module
  3. Set the  date
  4. Book the facility
  5. Register the module with AGB
  6. Promote the module locally to recruit learners
  7. Learners book their place via the Member’s Portal
  8. AGB appoints Coach Developer
  9. Course  Organiser oversees the module taking place
  10. AGB awards certificates to the learners

Who is involved in delivering a coach training course? 

Archery GB

  • Archery GB’s Director of Participation is responsible for overseeing the national management of coaching courses.
  • Archery GB’s Coach Development Manager is responsible for the training of Coach Developers and course content.
  • Archery GB’s Workforce Training Officer appoints Coach Developers to courses, provide administration support throughout the course organisation process, and is on hand to provide advice.

Course Organiser

  • The Course Organiser is responsible for overseeing the effective organisation and management of the in-person modules they wish to set-up
  • Decides the dates, times, location and facility for the modules
  • Ensures the venue is open and ready for use for each day of the course
  • Ensures all the necessary equipment is provided
  • Promotes the modules being organised to potential attendees and directs learners to the booking process
  • Where needed, handles income and expenditure, keeping accurate records. Ensures an invoice is provided to Archery GB for venue hire / expenses
  • Acts as the main point of contact for the Coach Developer(s) before and during the modules
  • Provides general assistance to Learners and Coach Developers
  • The Course Organiser does not have any responsibility for the technical/delivery aspects of the course


The learners are the individuals attending a module. For full details about the terms and conditions of entry onto a course, refer to the ‘Guidance for Learners’.

Coach Developer 

  • Appointed by Archery GB
  • Responsible for the delivery of the learning programme associated with each module
  • Supports Learners to complete the Assessment Tasks
  • The Coach Developers are always officially appointed by Archery GB. However, if you have a preference, please let us know

Quality Assurer (QA) 

  • Appointed by Archery GB
  • Responsible for quality assuring training courses offered by Archery GB
  • Informs the Course Organiser if they intend to visit


  • Appointed in agreement between the Learner and Mentor
  • Mentors support the Learner by helping with self-review and constructive help during supported practice. If a mentor can’t be found, course Learners may mentor each other on a ‘buddy’ basis
  • Mentors require good listening and communication skills, and are ideally a licensed coach.
  • A guide to mentoring is available here.

Students doing archery watched by a coach

About the Session Coach (Level 1) Course 

This course is modular based and has been designed to train coaches working with beginner archers. 

Key features:

  • The course is intended for learners with experience of archery and is open to both Archery GB members and non-members
  • Learners must be at least 15 years old by the first day of the course. When coaching, Learners under the age of 18 should be supervised by a responsible adult
  • Learners are required to undertake 12 hours ‘supported practice’ (e.g. in their club) before completing the last module
  • To receive a Coach Licence; Learners need to be a member of Archery GB, complete a child protection course and DBS / PVG disclosure

Module 1 Starting Your Coaching Journey


2 x 2hr session

RRP £25

Module 2 Empowering Archery Part 1 


2 x 2hr session

RRP £25

Module 3 Creating Engaging Sessions


2 x 2hr session

RRP £25

Module 4  Introduction to Technique


2 x 2hr session

RRP £25

Module 5 Using Your Coaching Skills

In person

8.45am - 5.00pm

RRP £75 

Module 6  Supported Practice & Coach Presentation

In person 

8.45am - 5.00pm 8.45am - 5.00pm

RRP £75 

Course costs

The total cost for a Learner to complete the full course is £250(RRP). 

Online modules are arranged centrally by Archery GB. In person modules are arranged by local Course Organisers and Archery GB. 

Learners must have completed Modules 1-4 before attending Module 5 and 6. Learners must have completed 12 hours of Supported Practice before attending Module 6. 

One Coach Developer is required for every 16 learners in Module 5. One Coach Developer is required for every eight learners in Module 6. 

Supported Practice

This is where learners practise coaching in their club or archery environment under the supervision of an Archery GB member or coach to assist them. The learner must complete and record 12 hours of supported practice, including three hours under the guidance of their Mentor.

Certification & Licencing 

After the successful completion of each module, the learners receive a certificate of completion from Archery GB. Provided that they meet Archery GB’s coach licensing criteria, Archery GB members also receive a Coach Licence, including an updated membership card showing their coach status. The licence needs to be renewed every 3 years. 

Central Booking and Payment 

Learner bookings and payments are managed centrally through Archery GB’s Membership Portal (Sport 80) and is used to provide a central booking and payment system for all modules associated with the Session Coach course. This includes Modules 5 and 6.

When the module is registered with Archery GB and approved, it is added to the Membership Portal to accept bookings and payment from learners. 

Step by step - How to organise an Archery GB Session Coach course

1. Calculate the costs

We need the help of Course Organisers to arrange Modules 5  and 6. As a Course Organiser, you will need to calculate the costs to host these modules.

Course Organisers need to know the costs to host an event before it is registered with Archery GB. After the event Archery GB needs to be invoiced for the agreed fees. The Course Organiser needs to establish the following costs before registering the event:

  • Venue hire: Gain a written quote from the venue to hire the facilities per day (ensure that you take VAT into account when costing this, as it is not always included in the provider’s quote) along with any deposit or cancellation fees
  • Equipment hire: to secure the provision of suitable archery equipment
  • Course Organiser’s fee and expenses: for example, an administration fee for fulfilling the role. 

Archery GB is responsible for the collection of the course fees from the Learners and payment of the agreed hosting costs to the Course Organiser / venue, and payment of the delivery fees to Coach Developers. The provider needs to invoice Archery GB for venue hire, equipment, additional expenses. 

2. Set the dates

Decide the dates that you want to hold the module(s). Ensure the dates are available to learners before they book onto the event with you. If you are organising both Module 5 and Module 6, we suggest leaving at least two weeks between the modules. This provides time for Learner’s to apply what they learned during Module 5 to their coaching and to finalise their Supported Practice, before attending Module 6.

3. Book the facility and equipment

Take care when booking a venue to ensure that it creates a positive environment for learning, in terms of quality, functionality, space, access and comfort. Deciding on a venue involves visiting it before booking it, to ensure it meets the requirements.

You should know what the capacity of the venue is. Venues should be large enough to accommodate 16 archers. The venue must have access to toilets and be maintained to a

good standard, offering heating in cold months. A shooting range and a classroom/ learning space is required, and they should be near to each other to facilitate moving from one

location to the other easily. The classroom does not need to have a projector but should have seating. Any practical training or assessment site and equipment must meet the requirements of accepted safe practice in archery as defined by the Rules of Shooting.

The venue needs to be booked to allow an hour before the start of the day and an hour at the end of the day (so that the Coach Developer can set up and get familiar with the venue and pack up at the end of the day).

The Course Organiser (or someone on behalf of the Course Organiser) needs to ensure the venue is open and ready to use when the Coach Developer arrives. This will involve meeting

the Coach Developer at the venue at the start of the day to open up, put out the equipment and welcome learners.

4. Register the modules with Archery GB

By at least 8-12 weeks before commencement of the modules, the Course Organiser needs to formally register it with Archery GB. This allows time for Archery GB to appointthe Coach Developers who will deliver the course. 

Download the Module Registration Form and complete it with the details of the modules, then email it to

Archery GB will then approve it and allocate an Event Number. To be approved, the modules must meet our recommendations for lead time, duration, venue standards and range compliance.

We will confirm approval and the Event Number and begin appointing the Coach Developers and advertising the event.

Don’t worry if Archery GB cannot approve your modules on first submission. We will contact you to discuss any issues and suggest ways in which you can help your modules meet the requirements.

5. Promote the modules to recruit learners

Promote the module(s) as widely as possible. Use your club, county, and region websites to advertise, contact other clubs and coaches in the area and make sure you inform your County and Regional Coaching Organisers about your course. 

Encourage prospective learners directly. Let your local County Sport Partnership/ home nation sports council know about the course to help promote it and potentially offer support. 

Encourage learners who are disabled to complete a reasonable adjustment request with Archery GB if they need support to complete the assessment due to a disability or difficulty.

6. Learners book using the Members Portal

Learners book their place on each module separately using the Membership Portal.

The Course Organiser should keep on file a record of all of the administrative documentation associated with the course, including: 

  • A copy of the Course Registration Form 
  • An attendance record (both staff and Learners) 
  • Records of expenditure, including receipts 

7. Oversee the modules

Ensure the venue is open and ready for the Coach Developers before they arrive at the venue on each day of the course, and ensure the venue is secured at the end of the day. 

Welcome the Coach Developers andLearners, ensure the facilities and equipment are ready to use, and that there is access to toilets. Act as the main point of contact for Coach Developers and learners and help them with any questions about the logistics of the course and the venue. This involves spending some time on the course, particularly at the beginning, and appointing a reliable deputy if you are not able to attend.



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