As a result of the ongoing impact of the coronavirus, we are unable to proceed with the Archery GB AGM on the 18 April, 2020 as planned.
The Articles of Association require us to have an AGM no later than 15 months after the previous year's AGM (13 April 2019). Therefore, our intention is to adjourn the AGM until on, or around, 11 July 2020, at a venue to be determined by the Board in due course. Considering the extraordinary circumstances, we have taken as read the agreement of our members to this adjournment. Once a new date and venue has been finalised we will communicate this via our usual channels.
At the rescheduled AGM, a poll will be directed by the Chair for all resolutions requiring a vote. Therefore, your vote will count so please make sure you either vote online or by returning your paperwork by 5pm on Wednesday 15 April. For those that have already voted, you do not need to vote again, for anyone that hasn't yet voted, you will receive an email today reminding you to vote. If you requested a paper voting form and have not yet returned it, please do so as instructed. Please do not miss the opportunity to have your say about how your sport is run - vote now!
The outcome of the Elected Director voting will be announced at the reconvened AGM. Although there is only provision in the Articles for sitting Directors to have their terms of service extended by 60 days, under these extraordinary circumstances, current Board members who were expecting to stand down at the AGM on 18 April will be asked to stay on until our rescheduled AGM. Supporting documents relating to the AGM can be found here.
We are exploring other opportunities to enable us to deliver the conference element of the AGM. We know how important it is to keep you updated on our progress. We will keep you informed via our usual channels.
We'd like to thank all our members for their continued support while we work through some of the challenges coronavirus has presented to our sport.
If you have any questions please email them to or call the team on 01952 677888 Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm