Throughout August, care homes nationwide are invited to join a fantastic sporting initiative to help older people keep active.
Created by the team at Oomph!, the UK's leading wellbeing business for older adults, the Oomph! Olympics is a special initiative for care home residents. It offers the chance to take part in a series of low intensity, fun activities based on Olympic sports, specially designed to boost mental and physical health.
The Oomph! Olympics is a great opportunity to help older people engage in healthy exercise and reap the benefits that sport provides.
[caption id="attachment_28492" align="alignnone" width="300"] Take the 'Hit the Gold!' archery-inspired challenge - download our activity card at the end of this article.[/caption]
Archery-inspired challenges are among some of the Games' activities, designed to help improve focus, sharpen your sense of distance, and show how patience and persistence can really pay off.
You can download our archery-inspired activity cards at the end of this article.
The Oomph! Olympics is a special sports-based competition running throughout August, encouraging all care homes across the UK to get involved. The event - like the Olympics - will include a wide range of sports, with a different theme each week. The competition looks like this:
For each theme, Oomph! will provide free resources, from activities and puzzles to quizzes, videos and more. The resources aim to be accessible to everyone from an ability and equipment perspective. There may not be medals, but there are prizes to be won!
Check out the video here for more information about the Oomph! Olympics.
Any care home can sign up and join the competition! To take part, every week they must submit a photo or video of residents and the wider community getting involved in the week's theme.
There will be three winners per week in the categories: Community spirit, Creativity, and Fun.
The games will be judged by an expert panel. However, even though this is a competition, above all we promote taking part and having fun!
If you're a care home in the UK You can sign up to take part using the Oomph! Olympics form here. You will then receive free resources and updates throughout the competition!
If you're anyone else Oomph! is looking to get this campaign heard far and wide to encourage exercise for older adults! Please help by sharing this article, and spreading the word.
If you want to get involved to help support this initiative or just find out more, please contact:
[caption id="attachment_28493" align="alignnone" width="225"] Try the archery-inspired Bucket Challenge to improve your focus - download our activity card at the end of this article.[/caption]
Archery can be enjoyed at every age, and here's the proof! See how much care home resident Jean Sykes enjoyed a soft archery session here.