June 22, 2023

Doing good with archery: Charity events in June and July

Whether it’s providing a free taster session to a local youth group or donating some of the proceeds from an open day, charity seems to be part of the DNA of grassroots archery. Here are just a few charity events going on over the next month that you can get involved in.

Phoenix Bowmen - 24-hour shoot in aid of Cancer Research

23-24 June, 6pm               Fire and Water, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 2QG

Adam and Sarah Gilmartin have organised a 24-hour shoot to raise money for Cancer Research. Adam lost his mother to breast cancer two years ago and they’re hoping to raise at least £2000 to help work towards a cure.

Adam said: “I lost my beautiful mum Susan Gilmartin to breast cancer 2 years ago in the height of Covid. I’ve always wanted to raise money to help battle this horrible disease. With the help of my wife Sarah, and the backing of our archery club Phoenix Bowmen of Halifax, we can finally do that.”

Show your support to Adam, Sarah and everyone involved by donating here.

Croesoswallt Archers - 24-hour shoot in aid of Cancer Research

7-8 July, 12pm                   British Ironworks Centre, Oswestry, SY11 4JH

Croesoswallt Archers from Oswestry are inviting Archery GB members from near and far to consider taking part in a special archery fundraiser with the club to help raise money for Multiple Sclerosis and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. 

Bob said: “My daughter was diagnosed with MS a few years ago, which has affected her life considerably in many ways, this is a horrible condition that attacks the nervous system, and can be life threatening, and at present there is no cure. I also currently coach a young 11-year-old girl, who has severe epilepsy. She can have seizures every day of the week and sometimes more than one in a day. Her schooling is disrupted due to seizures and, other than archery, which she can cope with in small sessions, finds it really hard to do other sports and things in life that other children do naturally. Alder Hay have been brilliant with her over the years and are now looking at doing a major operation on her to try and alleviate the symptoms. This is a fantastic hospital that does fantastic things for children and their families." 

Any Archery GB member can shoot with them so please contact Bob Batts to take part, or for the club bank details to donate: bob.batts1812@gmail.com

Southampton Archery Club - 24-hour shoot in aid of Alfie’s Wish

28 July, 3pm                       Hardmoor Sports Ground, Stoneham Lane, SO50 9HT

Southampton Archery Club (main photo) will be hosting a 24-hour charity shoot in aid of Alfie’s Wish, a local charity supporting children with cancer and their families.

The club is inviting other clubs in the area to attend and they have organised for local press to attend, all in the hopes that it will be as successful as their 2019 event – if not more! – which raised over £10,000 for charity.

Archers can "sponsor" one or more hours shooting on the golden target at a cost of £25 per hour and can also participate in a range of social activities from Friday afternoon through to Saturday afternoon, including a BBQ, pizzas, astronomy, Sunrise breakfast, Sunset drinks and Morning Bacon butties. Plus, there will be an opportunity to shoot at two competitive classification events. The public are invited to go along from 3pm on Saturday to have a go!

One of the tournament organisers for Southampton Archery Club said: “We feel that working with local charities is a part of the culture in our club, and our size means we can make a more significant impact. Our members always get involved and we’re so proud as a club to be able to help our local community every year. It’s fun too!”

If you or your club wishes to participate or donate, head over to Southampton Archery Club’s website for more information. 

Do you know of, or are hosting any other archery events for charity? Share them with us and we'll do our best to promote them to our members. Email the details to magazine@archerygb.org 

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