DCMS is seeking views on how to prioritise and improve out-of-school support for young people - have your say!
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is reviewing the programmes and services it supports for young people outside of school. These include the National Citizen Service, youth clubs, youth volunteering opportunities and local sports/arts groups.
The Department wants to hear from as many young people and youth sector organisations as possible, so they can use your views to inform policy on support for young people, and therefore decide what to fund.
DCMS has already been working closely with youth sector organisations, sharing its engagement resources with their networks and young people. As a result they are gathering many opinions but are still seeking more!
Want to share your thoughts and therefore shape policy? Visit the government website to find out more about sharing your views. There are individual questionnaires for young people who wish to participate and engagement packs for youth sector organisations.