October 16, 2020

Local Covid alert levels

From 14 October, local Covid alert levels will apply, allowing different levels of intervention in the right places to manage outbreaks.

Information about the new government Covid-19 restrictions is available on the Gov.UK website.

In addition to the restrictions, there are additional measures we all have to abide by - such as travel or socialising restrictions. These are set nationally and we ask that all archers and volunteers continue to follow these and the 'Face, Hands, Space' instructions.

In most areas, archery can continue both outdoors and indoors. However, local restrictions may override Archery GB guidelines, and therefore we ask that club officials keep up to date on the situation locally. For support or advice please email: membership@archerygb.org

The Government's three alert level approach for England - Medium; High and Very High - has implications for indoor sport. As archery is a socially distance sport it can continue, but in Level 2 (High) and Level 3 (Very High) areas restrictions mean that archery indoors will need to be conducted with one archer or one household/support bubble on a single target.

In Level 3 (Very High) areas, archery may not be permittable indoors. This will be dependent on local restrictions.

What the Alert Level system means for archery:

Please note: Across all alert levels, local restrictions may override Archery GB guidance.

UPDATED: For the Liverpool City region, indoors archery may now continue (21 October).

In other Level 3 areas, archery indoors can continue, subject to the guidance from Archery GB being followed.

The Government advise people not to travel into or out of an area if it has been categorised as a very high alert level area (Level 3). You can continue to travel into or out of very high alert level areas if you need to for work, education, to access youth services or because of caring responsibilities.

Organised archery sessions can take place in numbers greater than six in COVID-19 secure venues - archers should stay separate and not mix for the duration of the session. There is an exemption for activity for disabled people, which can take place in any number, and organised group indoor activity for children is unaffected by this change and can continue as before in line with the limits for outdoors.

Scotland - Scottish Archery is in dialogue with the Scottish Government and Sport Scotland and update their club/archer guidance regularly. For further information please visit their website for the most up to date guidance.

Wales - For 2 weeks, archery will have to stop. A fire break lockdown will begin on Friday at 6pm. FAQs on what will be permitted are here : gov.wales/coronavirus-ci You can continue to exercise outdoors, but you must start and finish exercise at home and only exercise with those you live with. Do not shoot from home. 

Northern Ireland - From Friday 16 October, no indoor sport or organised contact sport involving mixing of households, other than at elite level. Outdoor archery can continue. Clubs are required to follow the regulations included in the Archery GB guidelines and fully conform to any N.I. legal requirements.

The Guidance Notes documents for clubs, archers and coaches have been updated. Version 3.0 (dated 14 October) is the latest version members should read/use.

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