National Compound - Squad

Layla Annison


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Layla Annison is from Wymondham Archers in Norfolk. She started archery at an after-school club at her junior school. After leaving for high school, she got her first compound bow at the age of 11. She joined the Archery GB development squad at 13 then started representing GB on the junior circuit at 14. She is currently studying Occupational Therapy at the University of East Anglia (UEA).

A few of Layla's most proud archery achievements include: becoming a double gold medallist at the European Youth Championships (individual and mixed team) in 2018. Medalling at World Cup stages next to all the top archers whom she looks up to, as well as winning her first National Tour Final in 2021. 

In 2023, she came second at the Archery GB National Tour Final, and she representing GB at the World Championships in Berlin, and at the Hyundai World Cup Stage 4 in Paris where I shot an international PB of 698 and as a team we placed 4th.

Her goals for the 2024 season are to continue shooting for GB, maintain good physical and mental health, as she believes this is key to archery. She also wants to podium at a minimum of three of the National Tour Stages and podium at the National Tour Final. 

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