Parents and Carers Guide

Archery GB safeguarding guide for parents and carers. Archery is fun and safe when we all work together and play our part in creating a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Parents, carers and families can provide support whilst Archery GB clubs and organisations can provide fun and friendly sessions in a supportive, open and welcoming environment. This page includes resources and information to help keep archery fun and safe.

Archery GB safeguarding guide for parents and carers

Parents and carers are important to our sport at every level. They provide the practical support - purchasing equipment, transportation to club sessions and competitions - and they provide emotional support by helping and encouraging through challenges and setbacks whilst also sharing in the joy of mastering new skills and reaching goals. 

Without the time and commitment invested in them by their parents, carers and families, young people and adults at risk would not be able to participate.

This web page provides useful guidance on how you can help to keep your child safe whilst participating in archery, and the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) parents hub has useful information for parents and carers, including a free e-learning course.

What you can expect from Archery GB

Archery GB has a key role in ensuring young people and adults at risk are protected. As the governing body, we follow government legislation and guidance, and our safeguarding standards are scrutinised each year by the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU). 

The CPSU helps us to develop and embed safeguarding throughout our sport. We provide support to our network of clubs, counties and regions and communicate legislative changes to our members. 

In summary, Archery GB will: 

  • Have policies, procedures, and guidance updated in accordance with government legislation 
  • Support clubs, counties, and regions 
  • Have mandatory safeguarding training for coaches and welfare officers 
  • Have mandatory vetting checks (DBS/PVG/Access NI) for all those who work regularly with young people and adults at risk 
  • Set standards of behaviour with our Codes of Conduct 
  • Have designated Welfare Officers in each club, county and region 
  • Ensure safeguarding is on the agenda of every board meeting 
  • Have a trained safeguarding team with a National Lead Safeguarding Officer who reports to the Executive 
  • Have a fair and confidential disciplinary process for dealing with breaches of Codes of Conduct, policies etc 
  • Work with external organisations and agencies when dealing with child protection cases and concerns about adults at risk 
  • Always work in a manner to ensure personal information is dealt with confidentially and maintained in a secure environment

How you can support at club sessions 

  • Ensure timely drop offs and collections, and know who to call if you are running late 
  • Ask to sit in on sessions and learn about the sport 
  • Be a positive role model and ensure the Codes of Conduct have been read and understood
  • Draw on your support network to help with some of the practical demands 
  • Develop good relationships with other parents/carers, welfare officers and coaches 
  • Encourage your family member or person in your care to speak to you about any worries they may have – no matter how big or small 
  • Know who to contact at your club if you have any concerns 
  • If you have a feeling that behaviour you witnessed is wrong, report it quickly and calmly to the Welfare Officer 
  • If you feel your concerns have not been dealt with appropriately and/or you would like to speak to Archery GB’s National Lead Safeguarding Officer on any matter call 01952 602792 or alternatively report to the safeguarding team using the online reporting form. These reports will be treated confidentially

How to support with training and competitions

  • Speak to the athletes’ coach on a regular basis to help identify any additional needs/support required 
  • Ensure you have fully understood the competition entry details and seek advice from the organiser if you are unsure 
  • Don’t put too much expectation on the athlete, and feedback on effort and attitude rather than technical aspects 
  • Find out what the athlete wants to achieve and how can you help them reach their goals 
  • Identify areas which you find challenging, for example when seeing them disappointed 
  • Find coping strategies to help with your emotions when they meet challenges 
  • Help them cope when they are faced with setbacks and challenges 
  • Ask how you can help the athlete before, during and after training and competitions 
  • Take time to reflect after competitions. Were there any situations you were not expecting? 
  • Model respect to coaches, judges and other parents 
  • Encourage everyone when shooting as part of a team 
  • Provide positive and realistic feedback after the competition 

Questions to ask your club/organisation

Archery GB clubs/organisations must have a designated person responsible for safeguarding and welfare. They may be called by different titles for example: Child Protection Officer, Safeguarding Officer, Welfare Officer or Junior Representative. 

The designated officer should be known to everyone including parents and carers. 

When young people join an Archery GB club, parents should be informed of the rules surrounding parental responsibility, e.g. supervision; transportation; late collection. Parents and carers should also be asked for emergency contacts and any health conditions they need to be aware of which would form part of the club risk assessment. 

Listed below are some relevant questions to ask your club if they have not already been provided: 

  1. Is there a safeguarding policy and how do I access it? 
  2. Are there any standards of behaviour, i.e. codes of conduct and how are they accessed?
  3. Who is the Club Welfare Officer and how can they be contacted? 
  4. If I have a concern, how do I report it? 
  5. Is there a safe recruitment procedure including vetting checks?
  6. Are coaches up to date with their coaching licence? 
  7. Do those who work with young people and adults at risk receive safeguarding training? 
  8. What are the rules about parent supervision and transportation? 
  9. Do you have an online and social media safety policy or guidance? 
  10. How will you regularly communicate with me? 
  11. Are communications with young people also copied into parents/carers? Remember, a well-run club will welcome your questions 

Freelance coaches

Archery GB cannot regulate freelance coaches who operate outside the Archery GB environment. In these instances, we advise you to check that they: 

  1. have a valid Enhanced DBS/PVG/Access NI vetting check for a coaching role. Ask to see a copy of the vetting certificate, which will state the role applied for, i.e. Child Workforce Coach
  2. Have the relevant minimum qualifications for their role (ideally a valid Archery GB coaching licence). Ask to see their Archery GB membership card which should state which grade of coach licence they have and it should also show the expiry date of their coaching licence
  3. Have current public liability and professional indemnity insurance cover – ask to see a copy of insurance certificates to ensure they are valid
  4. Have undertaken a safeguarding course within the last 3 years, e.g. UK Coaching/CPSU Safeguarding and Protection Children workshop. Ask to see a copy of the training course certificate
  5. Seek references/recommendations from other athletes, parents, organisations 

How can you ensure your athlete is safe when they are being instructed by a freelance coach? Questions you should ask yourself: 

One-to-one tuition: 

  1. Could you or another adult you trust be there to supervise the athlete during the coaching session?
  2. Could unacceptable behaviour go unnoticed?
  3. Are there secure toilet and changing facilities?
  4. Does the coach accept your questions or are they brushed aside?
  5. Are electronic communications sent to you or copied into you as the parent/carer?
  6. How do you report concerns and who to? 

Group Tuition: 

As above, and additional question: 

  1. Are there adequate supervision ratios? See our Good Practice Guidance for supervision information

Why is good practice important? 

  1. It makes our sport fun and safe 
  2. Skills can improve and develop 
  3. Members are more likely to remain with a club if they have a positive experience 
  4. It is key to ensuring abuse or unacceptable behaviour does not go unnoticed 
  5. Concerns are less likely to be brushed aside if a club operates in an open and inclusive environment 

For more information on good practice see our Policies and Guides section.

Reporting concerns

To ensure young people and adults at risk are safe whilst being involved in archery activities, it’s important that welfare concerns are reported as quickly as possible to prevent further harm occurring. Furthermore, if you believe poor practice is happening, it should be reported to avoid poor practice escalating to abuse.

Poor practice concerns


Your Club Welfare/Safeguarding Officer or deputy should be contacted if you have concerns about poor practice at your club. In the absence of a Welfare/Safeguarding Officer it may be reported to your Club Secretary.


At a competition the Tournament Organiser should be informed of your concerns, and the Tournament Organiser should contact the Archery GB National Lead Safeguarding Officer.


Concerns relating to athletes participating in the talent pathway, Olympic or Paralympic programmes should be reported to the Team Manager and Archery GB National Lead Safeguarding Officer. However, if the concern is related to the Team Manager, the concern should be reported directly to the Archery GB National Lead Safeguarding Officer.

Safeguarding and Discrimination Concerns

These must be reported as soon as possible to the Archery GB Safeguarding Team. They can be reported via the online safeguarding report form or alternatively you can contact the Archery GB National Lead Safeguarding Officer:

Tel: 01952 602792 

If you believe a young person or adult at risk is in danger call 999 and advise the call handler there is a child protection or adult at risk concern. Let the professionals decide if abuse has taken place. 

In these cases, the Police, Social Services or Children Social Services will give advice about the next steps, and you will need to report this to your Welfare/Safeguarding Officer who must report it within 24 hours to the Archery GB National Lead Safeguarding Officer. 

All reports must be kept confidential.

Mental wellbeing guidance

Parents and carers can encourage young people, and adults at risk to talk to them about worries or concerns. 

Information about where they can access support is available from organisations such as Young MindsChildline and Mind.

Childline’s Toolbox Calm Zone provides videos, games, exercises and activities for relieving stress and anxiety, and some children may feel more comfortable talking to other young people such as via Childline’s moderated message boards.

For more information on mental wellbeing, please refer to our mental wellbeing guidance page. 

Useful contacts


The NSPCC is a national child protection charity which works to prevent child abuse and neglect. They offer advice and support for positive parenting with advice on topics such as mental wellbeing and online safety.

The NSPCC “Talk PANTS” scheme provides parents with tips on helping their children understand the underwear rule and that their body belongs to them, and to tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried. Their PANTS guide is also available for parents, carers and families who use Makaton and in other languages including Welsh.

NSPCC Helpline 
Tel No: 0808 800 5000

Children 1st

Children 1st is Scotland’s national children’s charity. They offer practical, emotional, and financial support to prevent and protect children and their families from harm and to support them to recover from trauma and abuse. 

The charity provides a free parent helpline available 7 days a week from 9am until 9pm and 9am until 12pm at weekends. 

Children 1st Helpline 
Tel: 08000 28 22 33


Childline is a free UK counselling service for young people up to the age of 19. Their helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with trained counsellors to help young people. They also answer emails so that young people can email Childline and a trained counsellor will reply. 

Deaf children can also access the service through SignVideo which lets them contact a counsellor through a BSL interpreter. 

Childline Helpline
Tel No: 0800 1111

Family Lives

Family Lives is a UK charity which provides parent and family support with the aim of ensuring parents have somewhere to turn to before they reach crisis point. They provide parenting advice and educational resources to support in areas such as family breakdown, challenging relationships and behaviour, debt, and mental wellbeing. 

The charity provides a free helpline service for parents available 7 days a week from 9am until 9pm and 10am until 3pm on weekends. They also have a free online chat available. 

Tel No: 0808 800 2222

Carers Trust

Carers Trust is a charity which aims to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. They provide advice on financial support, wellbeing and mental health for both adult and young carers. 

Their helpline is available Mon – Friday 9am until 5pm.

Tel No: 0300 772 9600 

Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU)

The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) is part of the NSPCC and is funded by Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland, Sport Wales, and UK Sport. CPSU work collaboratively with sports and local authorities with the aim of protecting children and ending child abuse. They provide advice and guidance and set standards for safeguarding children in sport which are assessed annually. 

The CPSU has some useful resources for parents including this free e-learning course for parents which is located in the Parents Hub section of their website. 

NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit 
Tel No: 0116 366 5580 

Ann Craft Trust (ACT)

Ann Craft Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales which exists to minimise the risk of abuse of disabled children and adults at risk. They also work with the CPSU in offering advice and guidance to sporting bodies and local authorities. See the Ann Craft Trust Safer Culture Safer Sport campaign

Ann Craft Trust 
Tel No: 0115 951 5400 

Archery GB Contacts

Anne Rook - Archery GB National Lead Safeguarding Officer 
Tel: 01952 602792 

Karen Hodgkiss – Archery GB Safeguarding and Governance Officer 
Tel: 01952 602793 

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