Safeguarding Training

Archery is an inclusive sport, with safeguarding embedded into the structure and day to day running of affiliated clubs and organisations. We’re committed to doing everything we can to keep children, young people and adults at risk safe in archery. With the right training, we can become aware of changes to legislation, recommended practice, what signs to look for and how to respond in different scenarios.

Whilst as a sport we have made tremendous strides forward in recent years to meet the standards for safeguarding in sport, there is still more to do. This area is constantly moving and it’s vital that coaches, volunteers and staff are equipped with the right tools to confidently support children, young people and adults at risk. With the right training, everyone can become aware of changes to legislation, recommended practice, what signs to look for and how to respond in different scenarios.

The role of Archery GB clubs in facilitating safeguarding training

Clubs can play their part in creating a safe sport for all by ensuring that all their coaches are licensed. As part of this, clubs will help their volunteer coaches to meet the costs of attending safeguarding training.

Coach safeguarding training

It’s mandatory for Archery GB licensed coaches to complete tutor-led safeguarding training as part of their licence, and this should be renewed every 3 years to ensure safeguarding skills and knowledge are up to date.

This gives confidence to children, young people, adults at risk, and parents and carers that their coaches can deal with any issues sensitively, appropriately and effectively.

Evidence of this training should be provided at renewal stage with a copy of the training certificate which can be uploaded onto the members' portal in the qualifications section. Unlicensed coaches, for example experienced archers, working in a coaching capacity (paid or voluntary) who organise and oversee coaching sessions and regularly coach must also complete tutor-led safeguarding training.

This does not apply to those who occasionally help, for example during a beginners’ course or have a go. 

If a coach has completed a safeguarding course through another organisation, we need to check it meets Archery GB’s criteria. Please email with the content of the course and a copy of your training certificate.

We work closely with UK Coaching and the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) to align Archery GB coaches with industry standards.

From 1 October 2022, first-time coaches must undertake a tutor-led interactive course which usually lasts 3 hours and can be done either face-to-face or online. 

How can coaches renew their licence with safeguarding training?

When the licence renewal is due, coaches can provide evidence (e.g. a copy of an attendance certificate) of completing safeguarding training within the last 3 years by uploading the certificate (scan or photo) to their profiles.

Recommended safeguarding courses for Archery GB coaches

Safeguarding courses are available to coaches, provided by UK Coaching, Sport Scotland and Sport NI.  

Sport NI have introduced a new Digital Learning Hub for people living in Northern Ireland. A free Safeguarding Children and Young People refresher course is now available from this hub which is valid for 3 years and is available to coaches who have previously completed their tutor-led safeguarding training (face-to-face or virtual). 

This new hub, provided by Sport NI, offers on-demand learning and development for the sports sector. To access the course and other free training courses please visit the new Digital Learning Hub.

Sport NI Digital Hub

We’ve also created a downloadable resource to keep on hand and share with other club members. You can find it in the Resource section of this page. 

Archers on an instructor course

Archery Welfare Officer training

Safeguarding training is mandatory for this role because it is not only essential in being able to fulfil the role, but it also provides the person responsible for safeguarding the confidence and skills to be able to deal with worries and concerns and respond appropriately. Safeguarding legislation and government guidance changes rapidly, therefore training should be renewed every 3 years.

Firstly, basic training should be completed and must consist of a tutor led course which usually lasts 3 hours and can be done either face-to-face or online. Following basic training, a specialist training workshop for safeguarding roles in a sports setting should be completed.


Course Providers

Basic Training

Specialist Training

England and Wales

UK Coaching

Sport Structures

Active Partnerships (England only)

Safeguarding in Sport

Time to Listen (TTL)



Sport Scotland

Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport Courses (CWPS)

Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer (CWPO)


Northern Ireland

Sport NI

Local Authority Sports Development Officer

Safeguarding Children and Young People

Designated Safeguarding Children Officer (DSCO)


Chair and committee training in archery clubs

The Chair has overall responsibility for the club and should work with the Welfare Officer to ensure children and adults at risk are protected. To gain an understanding of safeguarding, club Chairs and Committee members can complete introductory training

Further training may be required, but this will depend on the role. If the role involves regular responsibility for children and young people (whether this is supervised or not) then basic safeguard training entitled Safeguarding and Protecting Children Workshop should be completed after the introductory course.

Any role with responsibility for recruitment (whether the role is in a paid or voluntary capacity) and any role which requires regular responsibility for children (whether supervised or not) will require specialist training. The type of specialist training required depends on the role. 

Some examples are:

  • Safer recruitment
  • Disciplinary
  • Safer events
  • Safeguarding children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
  • Safeguarding deaf children
  • Safeguarding adults at risk

Specialist training can be provided by the CPSU, Ann Craft Trust, NSPCC and Active Partnerships.

Continual Professional Development (CPD) in safeguarding

Everyone who has previously received safeguarding training can benefit from additional training. CPD may consist of webinars, podcasts, face-to-face learning or online courses. These additional training sessions can enhance learning and may be required for roles requiring specialised knowledge and skills. 

These are some examples of safeguarding CPD:

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