The Junior Indoors could probably claim the title of the biggest gathering of archery parents during the winter season. So, with so many parents and carers under one roof, Archery GB ventured out to find out the best way to support your young archer.
Archery parents are a special bunch, found gathered together in all weathers, purveyors of snacks and encouragement as well as being the logistical managers of their child or teenager.
Here are 10 top tips from parents on how to support your young athlete on and off the shooting line:
- The hardest thing I’ve found is working out head-to-heads. It’s understanding that if you’ve missed with your arrow, it’s not the end of the world. When you have a bad end forget it and move on. Don’t berate them, it won’t make them any better.
- Carry spares, spare strings, arrows, finger tab. Anything that can be lost or broken including stretch bands.
- If you’re travelling from Northern Ireland book your sailing and make sure you get a cabin months ahead. We booked our cabin for the National Indoors in August; you need to think months ahead with your accommodation too.
- Remember there are always people to ask, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re not sure about something even on the field.
- They need something to snack on but nothing too sugary. If they eat too much, they can get tired so I always bring cucumber for snacking on throughout the day.
- Carry waterproofs even if it’s sunny out. I pack a bag of spare clothes, socks and towels which I keep in the car.
- Don’t leave your hotel to the last minute to book, you risk not getting a room and it’s also cheaper to book in advance.
- If the sat nav says it takes one and a half hours, I add an hour on for traffic.
- Respect their needs, if they don’t like you watching them shoot then keep yourself busy away from the line.
- Don’t put any pressure on them, be calm and tell them to enjoy it.

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