Following the introduction of new national system for archery range registration and assessment, Archery GB has seen over 700 ranges registered since April.
At the end of June 2017, 361 clubs (38% of the membership) had completed the process. 92% of the ranges registered comply with the rules of shooting, whilst 2% (15) comply with an existing dispensation.
6% (40 ranges) do not comply and have to arrange for an assessor to visit and make an assessment of the venue. Â The range assessors have been supporting these clubs to continue to ensure that the sport is conducted safely by advising on overshoot or side safety issues.
Thank you to all those clubs that have completed the process. You are helping us update the knowledge we have on facilities across the country. Â With this information Archery GB will have better facility data and also be able to support clubs with facility issues.
If you have not yet started the process then please start to gather the information needed. The process should be completed by all clubs by 30 September 2017.
If you need any support or advice please contact
For more information on the process click here. (