June 01, 2020

Scottish Archery release return to sport guidance - Phase 1

Scottish Archery has announced a phased return to archery in line with Scottish government guidelines.

In light of the remarks from the First Minister, Scottish Archery is pleased to confirm the phased return of archery in Scotland in line with the guidance document shown below. This remains a public health issue and as such Scottish Archery is committed to supporting the Scottish Government as it looks to continue to slow the spread of the virus.  As a sport with significant health benefits, Scottish Archery is delighted the sport of archery can make a positive contribution to the protection of public health in Scotland.

The measures outlined by the First Minister includes the amendment of current daily exercise guidelines to include certain outdoor sport and activities. This is not a return to sport but an opportunity for people to use some outdoor non-contact sports as part of daily exercise activities but only within the guidelines.

Therefore, this is the beginning of a long process for sport to return in a style considered Â"normal” and we understand this looks quite different from the standard version of archery and there are still a number of things we cannot do until later phases of this plan and government guidance.

As mentioned by the First Minister, other sports have also been given government approval to return in a phased approach. They can be seen here.

The key points to consider are -

  • All activity must be conducted outdoors.
  • Physical distancing of a minimum of 2 metres must be observed at all times when with anyone from out with your household.
  • Limited interaction with one other household is permitted (provided the 2 metre physical distance element is respected and no group exceeding 8 people in total)
  • Coaching, instruction or personal training can resume in line with the specific guidance provided in the document below entitled Â"Return to Coaching”.
  • Whilst not enshrined in law, travel to conduct your activity should not be further than 5 miles from home.

There are of course some archery facility-specific guidelines which must be observed and the undernoted document highlights these with particular regard to movement of bosses and targets.

This will be an ever-moving picture and if there is further clarity needed please do reach out. If members are able to resume archery whilst respecting the guidance government and the advice published here, then of course Scottish Archery would love to see and share your positive stories.

Do not leave your home to take part in sport or physical activity if Scottish Government advice means you should stay at home because you or someone you live with has or has had symptoms of COVID-19, or if you are in the most vulnerable category and have been advised to shield from the coronavirus.

As the recognised National Governing Body for all forms of Archery in Scotland, the organisation is fully committed to continue working with the Scottish Government and Sportscotland throughout this crisis and beyond.

Please do keep checking the Scottish Government website and www.scottisharchery.org.uk for further updates on resuming archery activity and of course, look after yourself and your loved ones.

View the Scottish Archery Phase 1 guidance 

View the Scottish Archery Phase 1 guidance - Return to coaching

We are working with the Welsh Archery Association, who are waiting for clarification from Sport Wales on the guidance for returning to Archery in Wales.

Archery Northern Ireland are meeting this evening to finalise their plans.

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