With four WRS competitions happening within the next month, it's time to get entering!
With the new government guidelines outlining that organised sport can continue, we are happy to draw attention to the following competitions happening over the next few weeks.
One-day events - Double WA 70/60/50m (inc. the 50m Barebow round) with WRS each day.
Saturday 26 is Compound/Barebow, Sunday 27 is Recurve/Longbow. Double 70/60/50m WRS.
This one-day event pilot event will be WRS, further testing Archery GB procedures.
A one-day WRS event WRS with Head-to-Head competition.
Members can enter the Members' Portal - under your personal account, click on Events. For the Deer Park Archers tournament visit here to enter - http://deerparkarchers.co.uk/competitions/local-competitions/
All these competitions/clubs will be following the guidelines we have issued regarding competition, have completed a return to competition assessment and shared this with us, and will feedback to us to further refine our competition guidelines and so that we can share these with other clubs. Some of these competitions may exceed the current limit of 30 people, and have permission to do this. Again, this will help us moving towards larger COVID-secure competitions. We have to do this in a sustained and sensible way, rather than rushing ahead. The recent announcement has shown that we may see further restrictions should we all not follow the guidelines.
If your club is thinking about hosting a competition, or have a competition coming up, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us and we will be able to provide guidance and help. Please also inform us if your competition is not going ahead, and if you paid a record status fee, let us know whether you require a refund or would like to transfer to 2021 - email tournaments@archerygb.org
View the competition guidelines we have issued, or get in touch with our Events Manager - Jon Nott - via email jon.nott@archerygb.org if you require further assistance.