September 30, 2024

Membership and affiliation update: A message from Ruth Hall

A message from Archery GB's Chief Executive, Ruth Hall regarding the recent changes to membership:

As you know, we have been implementing several changes to our membership scheme. Managing change is always challenging, and we recognise that although we consulted and worked with people across our sport, more communication was needed. We are incredibly grateful to all those who have taken the time to share their thoughts and describe their challenges. We have listened to feedback; we did not get this totally right, and for that we apologise.

Through talking to members and clubs directly, at events, via social media and County and Regional meetings, we know there is more we can and should do to connect with our members and play a proactive, supportive role in your archery journey.

Why is change needed?

The aim of the changes is to improve the quality of member and club data and facilitate better communication. Data about how clubs and their members participate gives the sport the insight needed to improve and grow. We will continue to work towards these improvements, and we will do that with you.

What clubs have said

Since the communication of these changes in July, there are clubs that have embraced and welcomed the changes; however, we have received feedback from clubs who have raised concerns, that they will make it difficult to manage their members.

Though currently clubs can choose to allow their members to manage their own membership, we recognise that there are some clubs who require additional support, and we need to establish what we can do to help.

Responding to your feedback and concerns

The Archery GB team have been in contact with as many of those who have expressed concerns as possible. There has been significant effort to fully understand the impact of the changes and reflect on how best to address them.

Please be reassured that we have listened very carefully to the concerns, we have heard you, and we understand.

So, following the feedback and discussions, we are setting out the following changes to our approach:

  • We will not mandate direct membership for the membership year 2025/26, and will also keep this under review for 26/27
  • Clubs can continue to decide if they wish to manage their members’ Archery GB membership, or enable their members to administer directly
  • Over the next six months, Archery GB will prioritise and focus on club community, listen to what does and does not work in terms of our development goals, and how we can adapt what is planned for the benefit of everyone involved
  • We will produce a training, support, and resource programme to help clubs through any potential future changes
  • We will focus on communication with clubs, and establish a plan of action that is clear, open, and shared in good time for clubs to implement and communicate with their members

Alongside this, we are committed to undertaking a full review of the whole cost to the archer. In the next month we will begin discussions with counties and regions around how we can build transparency in our fees and establish clarity around the collective sum that a member is required to pay.

The introduction of personal anniversaries

As with previous years, most renewals will occur in September and October, therefore renewing members remain in that renewal cycle, with the change only affecting new joiners.

This change was introduced because new joiners have been required to pay two fees in a short space of time. We have therefore taken the decision that pro-rata membership will not be reinstated, and the membership system will allow people to join at any time of the year. Again, we will discuss this and support clubs, counties, and regions as much as possible to understand if any further improvements for new members can be made, and what more we can do to help beyond what has already been shared.

We hope this revised approach gives you confidence to continue managing your club and members in a way that works for you.

We will take the time to work through your concerns, ideas, and ways to improve our plans. All of which is aimed at modernising the way archery is administered throughout the UK and building a more sustainable future of the sport.

We welcome further feedback, and the team will be in touch over the coming weeks. Once this phase of renewals has been completed, we will start sharing plans for the next steps shared above. If you have not yet renewed your club affiliation, please do reach out to the team for any additional support you need.

The sport of archery is built on the strength of the network between members, clubs, counties, regions, our incredible volunteers, and Archery GB, and that when we work together, we can ensure a safe, sustainable, and successful future for the sport we all love.

On behalf of the team at Archery GB, thank you again for your feedback, and for your patience as we work to bring positive change for our sport.

Kind regards,


Ruth Hall
Chief Executive

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