National Archery Rankings

The National Rankings are open for all members of Archery GB to take part. The National Rankings are split in Target, Field and 3D disciplines for each year and are decided by a number of factors including performance at competitions.

2024 national target rankings completed

The 2024 national target rankings are official! Please check the links in the resource list on this page to discover where you placed.

Jon Nott, Archery GB Events and Competitions Manager, said: "We'd like to apologise for the slight delay in getting the rankings published, this was because of some errors in the data received which required manual checking. We'd like to thank all the Tournament Organisers for submitting scores and the archers who took part and congratulations to all those who ranked."

Please direct any queries in an email to

2024 Junior national target rankings completed

The results are up, congratulations all! If you have any queries or corrections to make, please email by January 5 2025. No amendments will be made before this date.

Recurve men certificates National rankings certificates

2024 Rankings Update

The first update of the twelve-month rolling target national rankings for 2024 have been uploaded. See the attached resources on this page to find where you are. The rankings will be updated every two weeks on a Thursday, so keep an eye out!

Please note that some national competitions have not been imported yet. The list of these events are attached as a resource on this page.

National Target Rankings

The National Rankings are open for all members of Archery GB to take part. The National Rankings for each year are decided by the number of points an archer gains from up to five world record status events within the UK.

2024 will be the first year where barebow archers will earn their national rankings using the same below format as the recurve and compound archers. A vote was taken by the current ranked barebow community to choose to implement this change.

Read more about this change here

The standings will be published fortnightly from June on the Archery GB website. Only one result is required to qualify for the National Rankings. If an archer shoots more than five events, only their highest sets of points will be used. Ranking points expire 12 months after they were gained.

Qualifying events are to take place from the first WRS outdoor event of the 2024 season, and must be completed by the second week in October 2024.

The final rankings for any given year will determine the UK number 1 ranked archer. These will be published at the end of the first full week in November. Downloadable certificates will be available to the top 30 ranked archers.

National Target ranking tiers

There are 4 Tiers of events, each providing opportunities for archers to score Ranking points.

Tier 1 events

  • The National Tour Stages (six stages between April and August)
  • The UK Masters Head-to-Head day (29-30 June)
  • The British Target Championships Head-to-Head day (10-11 August)
  • The National Tour Finals (7-8 September - this is an invite-only event) 

Tier 2+ events

Either a WA 1440 or a Double 70m/50m, and take place the day before or the day after a Tier 1 event at the same venue (for example the 1440 at the British Target Championships):

  • National County Teams Championships (28-29 September)
  • British Target Championships day 2 (11 August)
  • UK Masters day 2 (30 June)

Tier 2:

All World Record status head to heads in the UK which are not closed events.

Tier 3:

All World Record Status Single/Double 70m/50m Rounds and WA1440 Rounds. The Definition of a closed event is competition which restricts an archer from being able to enter for any reason other than level of performance. Archers attending closed events will not be allocated Ranking Points.

Ranking points

The number of points awarded will depend on the tier and position of the archer at the end of each competition. Points are awarded for places from 1st to 64th. The following sections outline how points will be awarded for various events.

Head-to-Head rounds

Points will be awarded for both the WA70/50 and the final Head-to-Head position. If an archer does not compete in the Head-to-Head, they will only receive points for their qualification round position. 

If an archer only shoots a single WA70/50 round in a double round they will be awarded points based on the position their final score gives them against all the archers who complete the double round.

Multiple Days and / or rounds

For events held over multiple days (e.g. A WA70 and Head-to-Head, and a WA 1440) each day will be classed as a separate event and points awarded will be based on the applicable tier for each round and position.

For events that have multiple rounds on the same day (WA70/50) point swill be awarded based on the result of the double round.

For events where a qualifying round is shot and followed by a team event, only points for the qualifying event will be awarded at Tier 3 level.

Providing Results

It is the responsibility of the tournament organiser to send an electronic copy of the results to within 72 hours of the end of the competition. Archery GB will provide a template for scores to be submitted on but will not be responsible for collecting, seeking out nor verifying this information. If the 72-hour limit cannot be achieved, then a notification must be sent to as soon as possible.

If results are submitted or received late from any event, Archery GB’s events manager has complete discretion as to whether they will be accepted.

Disputes and questions

Any dispute or question about a ranking or points total must be direct to no later than 72 hours after release of the most recent ranking list and have supporting evidence accompanying it. Archery GB will respond within 72 working hours of the appeal and publish the outcome.

Appeals will be considered by a panel led by the Events Manager.

Longbow archer

Longbow National Target Rankings

The format that has been put in place for Longbow is:

2 x Record Status WA 1440 rounds

2x 70m FITA 720 rounds

1 x Record Status York/Hereford round

Longbow National Target rankings

National Field & 3D Rankings

As of 2023 we are proud to have launched the Archery GB National Field & 3D Rankings

Chris Horan, member of The Archery GB Field & 3D Consultation Group, said: "The overarching aim behind this was to provide archers with another tool to measure their progress, whilst simultaneously striving to increase participation in Field and 3D competitions.

We are grateful of the feedback we have received from archers, which has highlighted to us that the format introduced has been positively received. We also welcome any constructive feedback as we look to continue the rankings into the 2024 season.

We would like to thank all of the Tournament Organisers for their assistance in promptly providing their competition results, this has been invaluable to making the rankings a success”.

Click here to view the National Field & 3D Rankings

Junior Target Rankings 2024

You can now submit your scores for the 2024 Junior Target National rankings. For a complete application you require 3 scores, one score must be from a 12 dozen round, the other two scores can be a combination of the other rounds listed below. 

- Gent's WA 1440

- Ladies' WA 1440

- Metric 1 - 5

- York

- Hereford

- Bristol 1 - 5

- WA 70m, 60m and 50m - 122/50, 122/40, 122/30, 80/40, 80/30


You are asked to submit your top three scores only; scores will be converted to Archery GB handicap equivalents and rankings determined by the total of these. If fewer than three scores are submitted, the missing scores will be given a handicap equivalent of 150. No score sheets are required at this stage.

Archers should shoot the round appropriate to their current Archery GB age group or older and, should be under 21 at the time of submission.

What are the Junior Rankings? 

The junior rankings are your chance to submit your best scores see your name in lights on Archery GB’s website. Entering the rankings is a great way to track your progress in the sport and see how you compare to other archers of your age and gender shooting the same round and using the same bow type as you.

The junior rankings list for 2023 will be based on outdoor scores shot up to 2 October 2023. All scores must be shot at a record status event.

How do I enter Archery GB's Junior Rankings 2023?

To enter use you must complete the Junior Rankings Submission Form 2023 from the Resources section of this page. Submission of the form must be done by 31 October 2023. The form is submitted online, and we will no longer be accepted written submissions through the post or email.

If you wish to be considered with more than one bow type, please make separate submissions for each.

When will the Junior Rankings 2023 list be published?

The lists will be published as soon as possible on our website after all submissions have been viewed. Lists will be published based on the current bow groups / gender / age groups. Archers will be listed in the age groups appropriate to them (WA and AGB) as at the closing date. Longbow, compound, barebow and recurve archers can all take part.  

Any questions or problems regarding rankings please email:

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